Our Vision:

Keeping Community First


Our Mission:

Representing the residents to improve the amenity, character, heritage and culture of Ravenswood

Influencing the development of the locality of Ravenswood to enhance and preserve the country lifestyle.


The objectives of the Group shall be:


  • To promote the conservation of the Murray River and its banks and environs in and adjacent to the Townsite of Ravenswood in the State of Western Australia.
  • To assist in the development of the Ravenswood Townsite in an orderly and responsible manner.
  • To protect the interest of its members in all matters of mutual interest.
  • To make representation to Governments, Government Authorities and Local Authorities for promoting the interests of its members.
  • To consider ways and means of improving or maintaining the quality of life in the area and to do all things necessary to bring this objective into effect.
  • To organize social functions to promote good fellowship and better understanding between the members of the Group and other persons with whom the group is concerned.
  • To join with other organizations having similar objectives in order to strengthen the Group’s effectiveness in the attainment of its objectives.

To do all things as are conducive or incidental to the obtainment of the above objectives or any of them.



Our goal is to offer a strong, considered voice that respresents the immediate and future needs, of all residents in Ravenswood.


Please join us and become an active member. We usually meet bi-monthly or more regularly for special community events.




Phone: +61 (0)478 814 794

Email: secrcgi@outlook.com


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